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  • Spring Maintenance Checklist: Fixing what Old Man Winter left behind.

Spring Maintenance Checklist: Fixing what Old Man Winter left behind.

Sun is shining, birds are chirping, and flowers are blooming. As we shed the winter blues, it’s a great time to freshen up your home to make sure it came through the blustery winds and bitter cold unscathed. We recommend an annual checkup to make sure there aren’t signs of any major problems lurking on the horizon.

The initial inspection can be conducted by an educated home owner with tools your probably have on hand like a ladder and screw driver. If after the initial cursory inspection you see any warning signs it’s best to contact a professional to make sure the repairs are done correctly.
Spring Maintenance

The Great Landscape: Creating Beauty One Space at a Time

If you want to get your lawn into tip-top shape this year, contact our friends at The Great Landscape! Mention that we sent you and receive $10 off the first lawn maintenance service and 10% off the initial lawn service including spring cleaning.

The Great Landscape cultivates beautiful outdoor spaces for our clients in Washington DC, Northern Virginia, and Maryland. Contact us today for a free, no-obligation estimate of all your landscaping needs. Take advantage of our spring cleaning, complete with gutter cleaning, new mulch, weeding, and bush trimming. Additional services we provide include:

  • competitively priced tree cutting & removal
  • spring cleaning (mulch, weeding, & trimming)
  • lawn maintenance
  • tree trimming
  • stump grinding
  • brush, limb, and branch haul away
Contact: Alex at (240) 687-7413 or for a Free Estimate



Kyle Barber

Kyle is passionate writer, independant thinker, and digital savvy lady with a deep love of marketing and all the challenges it presents.

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