Monthly Archives: March 2020
Need A Little Extra Help Right Now? Here are some places to find it.
If you can’t pay your mortgage If you are facing financial stress right now, get in touch with your lender. Most lenders are offering the option to defer payments during the pandemic. This will allow you to skip payments for a certain amount of time, typically tacking them on to the end of your mortgage.... Read More
Virtual Real Estate In A Time Of Social Distancing
Discover the Dart difference in virtual real estate. We know people are panicked, but just because we aren’t allowed to interact in person doesn’t mean we can’t get things done. In this modern time of technology we have the ability to do basically everything from the comfort of our homes. We have Docusign, we... Read More
Clean like the CDC recommends.
Here’s Everything the CDC Wants You to Know About Cleaning Your Home Right Now by TARYN WILLIFORD PUBLISHED: MAR 10, 2020 Most of the time, my standards for cleanliness follow a very scientific two-step confirmation process of qualitative questioning. In other words, I ask myself: “Can I live with this?” and “Will my friends... Read More
7 Spring Cleaning Tips While You Are Stuck Inside
Clean out your junk drawer. This will only take a second but I tend to put it off for ages. Toss all those old papers and receipts and organize the tangled cords and random odds and ends. Get rid of old clothes. I don’t know about you but I HATE cleaning out my closet.... Read More
Top Things To Do During Social Distancing
Something about being forced to stay at home makes us feel stir crazy, even if you are a homebody who typically spends your free time there anyway. We’ve compiled a list of tips to keep you busy while we wait out this craziness! Let’s come out of this feeling lighter, calmer, and more focused on... Read More
The Dart Homes Quarantine Schedule
Is being stuck at home getting you down? As someone who works at home regularly, I can tell you that the key to being calm and productive is to keep a regular schedule. Otherwise, you start feeling scattered and claustrophobic and that’s the last thing anyone needs right now! Last week when we felt like... Read More